
Visit my website

No information about you is stored, or sent to the web master while you visit my web pages. No logging of number of visitors, IP-addresses or what so ever is done. Once you closed my sites, it is as nothing has happened.

Emails to me

Once you clicked on the email address in the title area, your preferred mail program is opened, and you are completely responsible for the sent mails. No information is sent to the web master by means of these web pages. All email information sent to me will never be provided to any other company.

Copyright notice

Copyright ©2014 Semiconsultor. All rights reserved. This includes the name "Semiconsultor" as well as all information found on my website. Semiconsultor owns the copyrights in the selection, coordination and arrangement of the materials on this site. These IP's may not be copied for commercial use or distribution, nor may these IP's be modified or reposted to other sites.

Errors on my site

Never to be proud of, but is the very rare cases it might happen that an error is slipped in the text somewhere. In that case neither the web master nor the owner of this internet site takes the responsibility for this. It would be appreciated if a notice is sent to the Semiconsultor.